Part 3 decorate the album with patterned paper!

Now its time to decorate the album with patterned paper,
 I chose this Disney paper because have two grandchildren.
 can't say exactly how many papers are consumed
because it depends on the pattern and how much you can use each paper.
 I use a lot of magnets but it is not  needed everywhere.
 buy strong and cheap magnets on wish.
The size is 5 mm and mm thick. About SEK 40 for 50 pieces.
When I cut out paper, I cut them 1/42 ”or 0.7 cm smaler
to make it look like a frame of the bottom paper.
I advise you to cut out all the paper first to see how it turns out,
then it becomes difficult if you change your mind later.
Look through the entire post before you begin. So lets start.
I start from the bottom.
Attach magnets.
Now you cut out and glue all this pieces
For the right side you put on magnets.
And the other two you just put over the paper for now.
When you cut this one you cut it a little longer så you can slide it down in the pocket.
Now glue together the two smal pockets
Glue the backside like this
And there you have your pockets
Cut out and clue on the two flaps
Turn down the flap and put papers on those two
Put magnets on upper and lower parts and glue on paper
Now start on the left side
Put on magnets
I make a hole in the edge to make it easier to pull out the card
Now its the next side with the card
Put magnets on the card and paper
Now we tape the back, the long side to the fold and both short sides
And glue it to the left side
How to put the waterfalls together
We do both waterfalls the same
This is how my album became
I hope you found it easy to follow my tutorial and that you made your own album.
Thats all for today
Wish you all a wounderful day / evening wherever you are in the world.
Love and Hugs for you all / Ann

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