It`s been a lot!

Now I have not been here for a while again but it has been a lot.
I haven't felt good lately.
I had a cold with a hard cough,
which as usual went down into the lungs
and caused pneumonia.
It was both good and bad.
Good for I lost 4 kilos.
But above all, I haven't felt so well mentally.
As I said before
I would take an important step in my life
and I have done that now.
But it is still difficult because you cannot drop it as you like.
You have to take it a bit at a time.
What is so difficult is that you hurt people along the way.
But it is true that we all change over the years.
I have forgotten to tell you
that I am going to my second concert in my life.
Then again it will be Keifer Sutherland.
This time in Gothenburg and
now my youngest daughter Emmili will come along.
There will be little mother and daughter time.
Two days in Gothenburg with hotel overnight.
It will be so fun.
It's been fun things too. I've had a birthday.
Do not ask how old I was, because I always fill 25 years.
It's been Mother's Day, but for me it's always Mother's Day.
My grandchildren slept over three days,
it was a challenge.
For my youngest grandchild is like a duracell rabbit,
and then he was sick at the same time.
It has also been midsummer that we Swedes celebrate
by dancing around a pole and singing the small frogs.
We really look stupid when we jump around like little frogs.
It must be everything for today.
Wish you all a wonderful day / evening
wherever you are in the world.
But above all, don't forget to live
Hugs for you all / Ann